There are 5 types of ships in PiratePets, varying in size, origin and name. A smaller ship transforms into a higher grade ship by increasing its level.
In terms of production, the player has a daily limit of opening treasure boxes. The daily limit of opening boxes and therefore keys is determined by the main ship and the number of ships in the fleet. Treasure Box System
Raid boss battles require both the level of the main ship and the number of ships in the fleet. Raid Boss / Mystery Box System
Ships have attributes that are used to protect against the weather conditions of the realm.
Storm Defence
Ice Rain Defence
Fire Rain Defence
You can increase attributes with points. you are given 3 points for each level and you can increase defensive attributes for each condition. Attribute Points Redistribution System
The ships can be customised with skins that can be found in the marketplace or collected by opening Mystery Boxes.
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